
The American health care system needs to change if it’s going to survive. Crazy as it sounds, even the political parties agree on this front, though their ideas for improvement  are quite different.

Enter this blog.


A 2010 Pew study found that millennials weren’t very engaged in the health care reform debate, leading some media outlets—including The Daily Beast—to label us as apathetic. That particular word may mischaracterize our attitudes toward reform, but the article got this right:

In general, we talk about the outcome of health-care reform in two ways: the micro impact on individual citizens and the macro impact on health-care costs. Neither has excited millennials. As I said, the individual impact strikes us as unimpressive.  The large-scale economic outcomes take a lot of effort to understand. They seem distant, probably to millennials and the rest of the population, and easy to lose sight of in a Twitter-size news cycle.

We want the content of this site to inform you, but we also want it to excite you. To that end, this site is for millennials, by millennials. We aren’t interested in impressing you with pretentious language; we want to pull you into the conversation.




Obligatory disclaimer. See also: “haters to the left.”
Project Millennial is not affiliated with any organizations or institutions and receives no funding or sponsorship. The thoughts, content, and opinions expressed by individual bloggers are theirs alone. Linking to sources is highly encouraged, but this blog is not responsible for the accuracy of information provided by individual contributors.  We applaud comments and constructive debate, but keep it civil/respectful/etc. We reserve the right to refuse or delete any content we deem abusive, inflammatory, profane, or otherwise inappropriate.